Rice Bran Lecithine

Rice Bran Lecithin exhibits an excellent combination of fatty acid profiles that are well balanced and has micronutrients and natural antioxidants. Therefore, RBL is an appealing option for those who choose non-genetically modified lecithin over other alternatives. It can act as an alternative to soybean and sunflower lecithins for food and industrial applications. RBL is rich in the matter that cannot be treated by saponification; therefore, it may be used for cosmetic applications. The demand for nutraceutical and other personal care products is continuously increasing. It is because of exponential growth in global rice production that food chemists are using RBL as an important alternative.



Parameters Specification
FFA 25%
MIV 1%
Colour Brown
Acid Value 50


Parameters Value
FFA 25%
MIV 1%
Colour Brown
Acid Value 50